Climate change is a major ongoing issue that will continue to serve us devastating consequences if we don’t recognize its impacts and act. One of my generation’s greatest concerns is reversing the impacts climate change has already made as a result of previous generation’s failures. Our environment is a precious resource. This essay is my attempt to bring awareness of the impact we are having in my home state of Virginia.

“In the environment, every victory is temporary, every defeat permanent.”

—Thomas Jefferson

I chose to document mankind’s impact on the environment of Virginia to shine light upon the many destructions we’ve made to our environment in our commonwealth. Out of all the photography techniques, I decided to use a drone because looking straight down provides a new view point and shows the scope and scale of the problems. I also decided to turn the majority of my photos black and white to make the many different shapes stand out more. I travelled all over Virginia to investigate the impact man has had on our environment.

I hope those who set eyes upon my photos take into consideration the damages we’ve done to our state so we can prevent even more from happening. I hope that in the future, we can all unite to strive to provide solutions to combat climate change and protect our environment in order to protect our home. There is a balance between our quality of life and our natural environment. The more our environment is harmed, the more we will personally suffer from it.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

—Margaret Mead

Along my travels across Virginia, I experienced many different kinds of disasters, from forest fires to factories leaking decades of toxic waster to junk yards and garbage dumps. Each place I visited made me feel disgust seeing how we’ve been treating our environment and how no one has attempted to notice. It made me want to spread awareness with this website and my photos so we can prevent this from happening.

How does seeing these images make you feel? What steps can you take to protect our environment and work towards reducing our carbon footprint?

If you would like to support those working to preserve our natural resources in Virginia please consider donating to the Southern Environmental Law Center with headquarters in Charlottesville.

This photo essay was done as part of my independent study resarch project at Western Albemarle High School. I would like to thank my advisor Zoe Padron and my mentor Matt Eich for their advice and support.